Kamis, 30 Juli 2009

F4 Retard

bacanya dri bawah...haha




Bu Elvi:Kris cukup maen"nya...nanti ibu blikan mobil"an aj ya
jgan maen property sekolah ya nak

Arif:alamak!!!bu Elvi la yg duduk ntar...
jdi ketua F4 la...
ehh kok ada pawang hujan di kursi tu?

Kris:dah mantap ne...

Kris: ne kursi raja...ketua F4 sejati harus dduk di atas...
bru sah jdi ketua...harus tahan jatoh..HAHA

Kris: akhirnya kita F4 sejati sampai di kls...

Kris:wahh ad yg mw foto...gaya"

Kelvin:AHAHAHAHAHA...Kris kok telanjang

Roni: yg bener la u Kris...tu emas semua ntar u colong pula..

Kris:wey"...Roni lgi berak!!!gwa mw ngintip ahhh...wkkwwkk...

masuk toilet


Kelvin : jdi mw kmana ne?
Kris: ke toilet lo...haha...
Roni: oh...bagus" sekalian aku mw ksi penuh...
safetytanknya ma taik ku..hahaha...


omereka lanjut jalan

Roni:wew..ada yg mw foto kita...gaya dulu la...
Arif:emae wa juga la...haha...

Kelvin : ya dah lets go up strairs
Kris: ke tempat lebhih cacat aj kita..haha...

Kris: ah..damn...can u just shut your mouth...
Arif: MAI LUAN LA!!!!
Roni: hey"...wake up all...F4

Selasa, 28 Juli 2009

Baca hoy..

For me, we're doin really well in this new year..
RECORD! Blm ada kasus hoy, vespa arief jg blm mogok.. wakaka..
Alrite, once again diingatin.. Kita uda harus nentuin step slanjutnya ke depan.. KULIAH HOY!
Emang rada annoying kalo disuruh mulai mikir skrg, tp mao g mao lah guys.. It's our Future..
Make good decision, jgn ampe salah langkah..
Emang rada buat pusing nih, gw aja takut ngebayangin kuliah ntar ntah gmn..
Orang2 baru, trus yg pasti nih.. pasti g ada org yg cacat kayak kalian.. tapi kita ntar jg sama2 rasain de.. hahaha.. si joenna uda rasain duluan tuh.. gmn, joe? wakaka..
Okay, yg pasti kita ttp harus keep in touch.. harus tetep contact2! Okay, buddies?

Eh, one more thing.. Guys, khusuny tamatan social/yg lg ngambil social/mao ngambil social major ntarnya..
Jgn pernah ragu, ato nyesel buat milih jurusan.. kalo emang mao, just go for it..
and for the social ppl, jgn kecil hati yah kita sering di rendahin ama org, sering dianggap remeh..
we must admit it, kita emang rada cacat.. wakaka..
kita emang rada bandel, suka ngelawan, ketawa ngakak aja kerjaan tiap ari..
ide jg aneh2, barang2 pada rusak kita buat.. hahaha..
It's always the one who plays with emotion, not the brain.. -Quote dari Mr. Azwar

So, good luck to all of us..
Remember, our time is not much.. 7 months to go..
Kita sama2 tao lah, bocoran soal pasti ada nih..
INI MEDAN, BUNG! hehehe..
Tp stidakny kt g kluar pake otak kosong, we're doin great!
Alrite, c u all retarded one..
And Joenna, good luck to you too.. All the best, buddy..

Kamis, 23 Juli 2009

ini dy pasukan yg dikirim khusus untuk menghadapi guru" baru di dskul...hahahha.....

mereka dikirim khusus dari berbagai negara untuk membantu kelas kita....

note: kami menjamin semua kerahasian 4 agen tersebut......nama kami tidak sebutkan walau dgn inisial.....ngak maw sebutinnnn.....rahasia negara....^^

Sabtu, 18 Juli 2009

To : TheRetards.CO

Location : Chandra Kusuma School
Time : 7.15 a.m, sharp
Dresscode : TheRetards Uniform
Job : Bullying new students

Please come and go!
We really need all of your help to save the world.
Thanks for your attention.

Minggu, 12 Juli 2009

Die Of Holiday Boredom?

Please watch this movie
To refresh your mind



Kamis, 09 Juli 2009

Read, Sing and THINK!!!

What about sunrise..
What about rain..
What about all the things
That you said we were to gain...
What about killing fields
Is there a time
What about all the things
That you said was yours and mine...
Did you ever stop to notice
All the blood we've shed before
Did you ever stop this notice
This crying earth this we make sure?

What have we done to the world
Look what we've done
What about all the peace
That you pledge your only son...
What about flowering fields
Is there a time
What about all the dreams
That you said was yours and mine...
Did you ever stop to notice
All the children dead from war
Did you ever stop to notice
This crying earth this we make sure?

I used to dream
I used to glance beyond the stars
Now I don't know where we are
Although I know we've drifted far....