Jumat, 08 Juli 2011

Carlos TV snapshot

note : Click the picture if you can't read the text

There are many coming up soon!
stay tuned amigos

Rabu, 06 Juli 2011



Gimana kabar smua orang?
Gwa mayan kecewa smua orang lngsg pisah bnran palagi abis lu org tamat SMA3.

Jujur aja, makin gwa gede juga gwa ngerasa sikap "cacat" gwa ilang pelan2..
Ato maybe gwa emang ud mau jd org dewasa kali ya?

Which is "BORING" ! :(
Being with you guys is one of the best days of my life.

I miss every one of you. n I really hope we can get TOGETHER soon someday.

XOXO from Singapore.
I still love A2-Social, and always will be..